Jeep Auto Style 120cc Engine Go Kart
Engine Type:120cc, Air cooled, 4-stroke, single-cylinder
Start Type:Electric Start
Transmission:Chain Drive
Engine Gear:D-N-R (Fully Automatic with reverse)
Shift Gear: Hand
Max Torque:6.5N.m/5000-5500r/min
Fuel Tank Capacity:1 Gallons
Front Hand Brake:Hydraulic Disc
Rear Foot Brake:Hydraulic Disc
Tire Front 16 x 8 - 7
Tire Rear 16 x 8 - 7
Front Suspension:14.15 Inches
Rear Suspension:14.15 Inches
Speed Limiter: Yes
Engine kill switch:Yes
Wheelbase:55.12 Inches
G.W:403 LBS
N.W:320 LBS
Max Loading 220 LBS
Carton Size:67 x 45 x 23 Inches
Seat Height:11.8 Inches
Ground Clearance:5.12 Inches
Brand New 70% assembled inside a metal crate. Certified Technician required for Assembly, Prepp, Basic maintenance and all tech issues.
Warranty covers 30 days for replacement parts only. Labor, mechanic and Returns NOT Covered.----Certified Technician required for Assembly, Prepp, Basic maintenance and all tech issues.
Warranty covers 30 days for replacement parts only. Labor, mechanic and Returns NOT Covered.
Lift gate included, Residential included , Shipping insurance include
delivery opponents included